Exchange Ethereum Classic to Bank Transfer PEN
Exchange is done manually and takes from 5 to 30 minutes.
The exchange direction includes an additional fee for the receiver's currency in the amount of 1.00 %.
Exchange direction is available only for verified users.
The exchange rate will be fixed after receiving the payment.
How to exchange Ethereum Classic for Bank Transfer PEN?
To make an exchange, you need to follow these steps:
1. Fill out all the fields in the provided form. Click the "Continue" button.2. Review the terms of the exchange service agreement. If you agree, check the corresponding box/click the "I accept the agreement" button.
3. Make the payment for your order. To do this, follow the instructions on our website to transfer the required amount.
4. After completing the specified steps, the system will redirect you to the "Order Status" page, where the status of your transfer will be displayed.